Thursday, November 10, 2011

Jewelry Extravaganza at Think Long Island First

Jewelry Extravaganza
Saturday, December 3rd
12 pm - 3 pm

A great chance not only to admire work of the very accomplished local jewelers but also to meet them in person. It's always interesting to learn about the creative process and technique chosen for a piece.

The jewelry represents many different styles, from sterling silver chain mail and vintage to fused glass and lampwork, with various esthetic approaches from the very classic to modern if not cheeky.

What is there not to like about jewelry? Particularly if it is both beautifully designed and executed with skill and care.

Please join us at Think Long Island First at 36 Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, NY, on December 3rd, 12 pm - 3 pm. It's a free event, open to public.

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